as per reccomendation by my teacher + increased income in the future, i have a security + exam coming up soon. i should've been studying all summer but i haven't so i'm going to make the most of these two weeks before to get all my studying in now. sec+ is a cybersecurity certification that should hopefully help me with job/internship stuff in the future :p i need to set up now so i can make enough money to do what i want in my future career

on that note, college application season is rapidly approaching and i am not ready!!! i have a decent act score atp but i have no concrete idea on what college i want to go to anymore (not to mention the scholarships i need to arrange so that everything is affordable). i still have to deal with my senior year of highschool which shouldn't be too bad (hopefully?) but i'm really having to take into account all the variables and it is stressing me out i might be on antidepressants soon though, so ignoring the worries about that if it ends up being effective it should make everything else a lot more manegable, so we shall see . that type of thing is not something i mention a lot but maybe it can help other people so i'll consider expanding on that when future developments come in? no promises tho

college classes start back again today so i'm back to learning chinese. we got out for a week cause the power was out, so i wonder what our teacher will do regarding the missed class and messed up schedule. hopefully it all works out well for us without too much stress on her tho... in that class i have to take a first test again because i wasn't in class but the makeup test approval process is soooo annoying. i should get that over with today too though. building back that chinese knowledge bit by bit!

switching to more angel's landing related stuff, i'm almost at 100 followers on neos which is wild. i'm happy that so many people enjoy my site to keep up with it. i've been doing a lot of looking around lately, and i think i want to begin working on version 2.0 of the site soon. (i know, this is probably the 5th time i've said this but i mean it this time!!) when i work on that i'll be putting a LOT of changes into place. i want to re-code most (if not everything) from the ground up for starters. i know so much more about html and css since i started working on this version of the site, and some of the coding practicies i've used in the past are really unsustainable long-term. i'll be keeping all of the content the same ofc, but i think it would be best for me to restructure my old code to include things like no loose text (i never wrap everything in paragraph tags and it bugs me a bit now that i went back to edit some things-), changing all of the colors to variables, that type of backend stuff that mostly affects me. i also want to make the site more visually appealing and interactive! i feel the purple and white may be a bit bright, so i may change that (though it means i'll have to change all of the cake graphics too... ) but i'll cross that bridge when i get to it.

i felt like updating today so hopefully this becomes a trend? i always mean to write but never get around to it, some sort of aversion is baked into my system atp haha. i should really get back to finishing this essay though, so bye :3
tooooooootally didn't not update this for months again. i have a new update tho! so!!! some time ago, i think i mentioned here that i got some new consoles (a ps1, n64, and gamecube 2 be exact) which i would provide later updates on when i knew more about them. well here's the big news. THEY ALL WORK!!! i saw a local games store while i was driving once, so i stopped by a few days ago to take a peek around. to my excitement, they had all kinds of old stuff lying around! in a moment of incredible foresight, i brought along the gamecube and n64 in case they could test them for me, and they could! they both worked without any extra fiddling wich is so awesome considering i got them for free now i do still need cables for them all, including the ps1, but i realized that gets expensive quick. since they had a pokemon snap cartridge on hand, i got that and n64 cables to start with. totaling about $60 so not terrible, esp with my paycheck.
speaking of paychecks, i've been going to work for about a month this summer! this is my second job ever and its pretty easy :p i'm an office intern. i get to organize files and stuff which may seem boring but its something i like doing so win win for my employers and me. i make about $80 on a full workday so all that console purchasing wasn't even a full day's cost of work :3 unfortunately for my wallet however, the store had a sega genesis and copies of sonic 2 and spinball (which i both love and need) so i suspect anything i don't save for college will be put into console collection